Monday, May 11, 2015

Manic Monday!

At some point this week or in the future, I will look back on this day and think "it was just one of those Monday's!" 

Just when I felt like I was doing a crappy job as a mom, God sends two people to congratulate me on doing a good job...

Last night, well more like booty early this morning between 1am and 5am, I was up with my oldest son, Sammy. He couldn't sleep because the allergies were taking over and he had such a terrible hacking cough. At around 1am I heard him coughing up a lung and I kind of didn't pay much mind to it or him honestly. But then it's 2am and he's still coughing up a lung and by that time we were both awake. We're both in the living room now and I'm praying in my head for the cough to cease. I'm rubbing him down with some good ol' mommy lovin'. I gave him "cold and cough" Alka Seltzer, it wasn't working and he actually threw it up. It's then 3am and I'm trying to close my eyes while he's still coughing, so I figure "okay, maybe some ginger tea with lemon and honey would help"... I went to the kitchen and started rebuking satan cause I didn't know what was going on and due to my exhaustion and lack of sleep I was getting very frustrated.

It's then 4am, he's still coughing but trying his best to drink the ginger tea and somewhat settling down which made me happy and all I kept thinking about was "oh Lord, I need to, we need to be up in a few hours to go to school"... and then who do I hear crying from my room? My dear Hannah! Crying for her breast milk. Thankfully, she now only feeds once during sleeping hours and only for a few minutes and then I'm able to put her back down. So I did just that in the living room and I started to realize Sammy wasn't coughing as much and actually dosing off on the sofa. I kissed him good night, well more like I kissed him good morning as it was almost 5am.

My husband leaves for work around 6:45am and my alarm starts going off and Hannah is now awake for her morning feeding and meanwhile I'm DEAD exhausted. I don't know how many times I ended up snoozing the alarm on my phone but all I know is that I woke up at 8:45am.

God knows I debated on whether to wake up my youngest boy Daniel, because he goes in at 8am to school and Sammy goes on at 9am. Obviously, Daniel was already late and would've been even later had I decided to take him to school because that meant getting him, myself and Hannah ready.

As for Sammy, I had already decided he would stay home because he had not gotten any sleep. Now of course, to not feel like an above and beyond extra crappy mom, I decided to call the school and let them know Sammy wasn't going in, but don't ask me why I failed to mention Daniel wouldn't be in either. But moving on.

Fine. So it was 9am this morning and I had decided they're BOTH staying home. Judge all you want but my goodness was I exhausted in every way. So yes, Daniel didn't go to school because I woke up late and too exhausted and Sammy didn't go I guess with good reason of not feeling well.

So because I'm exhausted, I decide, "okay, we're going to go eat breakfast at the diner" because God knows I was not in the mood to cook. We gather up $24 and as we are getting ready to go out I see my boys playing around like SAVAGE ANIMALS outside, in front of the house and of course the minute I say to Sammy "let him go, put him down, he's going to fall and hit the concrete" POW! Daniels forehead gives the darn concrete a wonderful bloody HIGH-FIVE! So now I have a crying 6 year old but they both got smacked for not listening and for being so irresponsible with their savage ways!

But it's okay, cause I still wasn't going to cook and as mad as I was that Sammy dropped Daniel and despite how badly I wanted to just put their behinds on time-out. We went anyway... I needed to flee the scene!

We get to the diner and as if I wasn't already feeling like a CRAPPY mom, who do we run into at the diner?!? (I'm telling you, I can't make these things up) Daniel says,"mom look, it's Mrs. Martinez" (Daniel's teacher) ha! My GOODNESS! I wanted to run and hide and laugh and cry all at once! I even told the boys, "oh great, what a crappy mom am I? I keep you guys home from school and not even because of Daniel, and we run into his teacher!"... We waved hello at her and she smiled and my thoughts and insecurities told me LOUD AND CLEAR, "she's talking crap about you RIGHT NOW with whoever she was sitting with"...

A little while passed and I noticed Mrs. Martinez was getting ready to leave and she comes over with the person she was sitting with, did I mention that Mrs. Martinez was also Sammy's 1st grade teacher?! Haha. So yes, she comes over with a Mrs. Davila. Such a sweet teacher. She looked at Hannah and played with her. We both laughed as I expressed "how bad of a parent am I huh?!? I keep my kids home from school and we run into his teacher!" We both laughed so hard... 

Mrs. Martinez was so darn sweet and went on to tell me how much she loves Daniel and how Daniel always asks her how her lunch break was, which made me smile and I thought maybe, just maybe, I am not that crappy of a mom. 

Through my embarrassment, Mrs. Davila is telling me how Mrs. Martinez was so happy to see Daniel today and Mrs. Martinez expressed how of all the students to be absent today she didn't want Daniel to be absent because he's so helpful, which again blessed my heart. She had mentioned Sammy but did not realize Sammy was sitting there or that it was even him but she had seemed to remember his name from when she was teacher in 1st grade, and I said, "this is him, Sammy!" and she stood in awe of how big he was!

She went on to tell me that I'm doing such a good job with the kids and congratulated me for doing such a good job and mentioned how she wished more parents were like me and I of course started to cry. I was left humbled and blessed and as I write up this post, I am thinking to myself "all glory goes to GOD because without Him I would not be the mom I am today!

There I was, beating myself up, feeling like a terrible mom for keeping them home and meanwhile God sends me two teachers to lift up my spirit and to encourage me. I love it when God does little but amazing things like that!

So, while I'm feeling all great and blessed because God and the teachers gave me some love and encouragement, to make things a little more exciting, before we leave... Hannah is yelling at the top of her lungs because she's got teeth cutting in through her top little gums and Sammy is trying to soothe her with water and then POW, the cold ice water falls on Hannah! Now she's yelling even more and there's water all over. 

BUT it's okay, because I promise I did NOT overreact. The peace of God must have been all over me because I laughed over the spilled water and simply acknowledged that it was just one of those manic Monday's!

Happy Monday to all! 

Saturday, May 2, 2015


I looked up the word "success" on and I got this: 
the attainment of wealth, position, honors, or the like.

Society's idea of "success", I have noticed it to be: money, fame and anything money can buy... 

I found this on Pinterest (high five to Michelle Obama, I agree with her): 

By the grace of God, His provision and my husbands hard work, I was able to resign from my job back in November 2014 after having our daughter.  I chose to stay home because I wanted to be the one to raise our daughter and I wanted to be available for my boys in every way.  

I used to be this kind of thinker: the more money I make or have in the bank, the more successful I am or appear to be.  The more material and the more I have of what this world and society has to offer, the more successful I am and appear to be... 

Now, I am in no way knocking hard workers down, it's just that my personal definition of "success" has changed a whole lot after becoming a wife and a mom of 3 kids... 

My idea or what I feel in my heart to be true "success" is having Gods perfect plan for my life being fulfilled...

It's me living out my calling as a wife and a mom...

It's me making a positive impact on those around me - strangers, neighbors, friends and my loved ones...

It's me seeing my kids doing an amazing job in school, and seeing them live their lives for God... It's me imparting Gods truth into my children's lives...

It's the unity in my family...

It's the teamwork and love between my husband and me...

It's me being part of a church...

With every promise God has made me and that has been fulfilled so far in my life I hang on to this truth and His word... For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. (Jeremiah 29:11 NIV)

His plans for me have always been greater than my plans for myself.

Living and experiencing my daily calling as a wife and a mom has by far been my greatest success. One that I would not trade for anything this world or society could possibly offer. 

Everyday I look forward to trying my best to be the best wife I can be to my husband and the best mom I can be to my kids.

I am so blessed and so thankful for the successful and prosperous life God has allowed me to live and I am so humbled for where God has me right now and I look forward to where He will lead me, for I know He is not done with me yet...

Success is not just within the 4 walls of wealth, there's a lot more to being and living successful life...