We all have dreams, ideas, passions, visions and goals for our lives and even for our families. Unfortunately, we never reach or end up doing what we so desire because too many times we get stuck. We end up not doing anything meaningful with our lives because we have this bad habit of giving in to our insecurities and our fears, while also giving up before even giving ourselves a chance.
If we could only grab on the truth that most of the desires in our hearts come from the Lord Himself because He has placed them there, we would go so far! We need to hang on to Him and believe and trust that we can do anything with Him by our side. If we dare to see ourselves the way He sees us, there is so much more we would be doing with our lives. There’s something so encouraging and so motivating when we have someone on our side, who loves us and cheers us on. Well i tell you that God cheers you on and if you have loved ones cheering you on then you my friend are more than blessed and you should be able to do and accomplish that which your hearts so desires while shutting up all the negative voices in your head and while kicking those insecurities to the curb.
I know someone who is so fearless in the way he lives his life and i look up to him so much and he has become such an inspiration to me. My little brother Chris. I am 33 years old, he is a few years younger (I always forget exactly how old) but man does this guy understand the meaning of living out your dreams and making it a purpose to live. He recently graduated from John Jay and i am excited to announce that he has a poetry book coming out soon. If you are interested in poetry or just writing in general, i encourage you to check him out on Instagram: @itscarus and read many of his pieces. He truly does have a grace to write, and beautifully may i add.
My reason for mentioning my brother is not because he is my brother but because he is a good example of what it looks like to not give in to insecurities. He could very well sit as he writes and compare himself to others and that alone would get him nowhere. Same goes for us, we could take many moments out of our lives to compare ourselves to what others are doing and how well they are doing somethings we also desire to be doing, but i guarantee you that will get you nowhere and it will only shatter your dreams before you even start to live them.
As a stay-at-home mom, i have been trying to find ways to bring in some side mulaaaa "cash" to help my husband. From what i have been seeing on social media, there are quite a few ways us moms can bring in “cheddah cheese” (like my sons like to call money lol) from the comfort of our homes, especially those moms who lean more towards the world of creativity :) I mean all you have to do is check out good ol' Pinterest and search for "under 20 minute how-to's" and I am sure you'll find a few things to master and make some money out of.
I do have bigger dreams though. I dream of baking and owning a family Coffee Shop where i can also sell my homemade items because i desire to leave a legacy behind for my children.
We all have really big dreams or even small ones in between and sadly, we have allowed our fears to get in the way. At least I know I do. I have been nothing but consumed with pretty cool and fun ideas on what to do at home while my little girl takes her 2 hour long naps. In my down time, i have come to realize that nothing shuts down, kills your dreams and passions like a speck of insecurity. Then we fall into a pattern of again, comparing ourselves to others and perhaps even questioning if we’re good at anything to begin with.
I have heard this being said, that the only one stopping us from making any kind of move or from moving forward with an idea or a dream is us.

Do you talk to yourself? I talk to myself, I am not even going to lie! Now, don't lie! You all know you talk to yourselves too! Good or bad, we ALL talk to ourselves. My thoughts, my voices go a little something like this or have been going a little something like this for quite some time now, as I try to bring to life a few ideas i have had pending in my heart, which i believe God has placed there. ”Everyone I see on social media or someone i know is already baking, making jewelry, making bags, writing, blogging and creating sugar scrubs and bath salts and doing what i know i could probably do pretty well too, and doing a heck of a great job. What will be so different about my products or what i have to offer? Or great, another cupcake baker, another mom making bags, and stuff at home!" it gets crazy in my head sometimes... it pushes me to tears!
If i have learned anything about insecurity is that it's a BULLY! Our insecurities have a way of bullying and tormenting us until we feel completely paralyzed, stuck and incapable of doing what our hearts desire! But keep this is mind... A while ago i learned through Joyce Meyer that God gives us the strength to do what He called us to do! Through Him we could do all things, especially those things we are called to do! "Philippians 4:13 NKJV - I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me". It's just a matter of us figuring out what He called us to do - spreading His word being the number one goal! and then us setting our hearts to accomplish those dreams, visions, ideas and plans God has placed in our hearts. It could be the simplest of things like maybe knitting a scarf for the homeless.
I believe that what separates us from the crowd and the pool of people already doing what we so badly desire to do, is good ol' sweet loving GRACE! Or as my Dominican people say "GRACIA" not as in "thank you" but as in "he/she has the grace to sew, cook or bake like no one else can" or in my husbands case, "el tiene gracia para cocinar esa sopa de lentijas" <--- that's for my husband :) cause God knows my sweet husband is a hidden chef (my chef) and he is blessed and graced with the ability to cook meals from scratch! No matter how much i try to prepare his famous-in-our-family lentil soup, even if i prepare it step by step, it just won't taste the same! That kills me and makes me laugh because i had to realize i am simply not graced with the ability to prepare his delicious lentil soup!
My little brother Chris is truly graced with the gift of writing… My mom makes these amazing lasagnas from scratch that everyone in our family loves, and she is NOT Italian lol but she’s got that grace to make them so darn well.
What are you graced with doing? We all have something to offer the world in a unique way.
Yes, we can all cook, bake, sew, write and create certain things etc... But again, I strongly feel that we are each given a special grace to do certain things in excellence.
Don't allow insecurity to shatter, kill or ruin your dreams before you even give yourself a chance! Don't make the mistake i have made in comparing myself to others. I don't always believe in myself the way i should or even the way my loved ones believe in me or even better, the way God believes in me but i am working on that because there truly is so much i want to do with my life.
Make it a point today to sit down, write your dreams, vision, ideas and plans and choose to believe in them and yourself and step out in faith and follow what is in your heart.
Be humble. Be confidant. Be brave. Be strong. Be bold. Keep your head up and be YOU! You owe it to yourself to be best you that you can be! Never stop believing in yourself. Remain thankful and keep God first! There is nothing we can't do with Him by our side!